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Monday, August 22, 2011

now I'm contemplating what exactly I REALLY want to do. I started working for a salon a few months ago, and I thought it was going to be very different than how it was.

I was promised:
1. To be working alongside an older stylist. This happened for the first 2 weeks. Then we were never scheduled together.

2. That I would learn new things. (see above)

3. I would be paid 50% commission once I reached $500. What they never told me was that I had to be making $500 a week, not altogether. I made 40%.

4. That we could market ourselves, and share ideas. Anytime I had an idea for bringing people in (I'm talking free advertising), I was ignored. But I couldn't do anything without the owners permission.

5. We could only listen to ONE cd. ONE. The whole day, every single day.

I never got paid on time, I know of at least one occasion where my tips were kept from me (I confronted my boss, but she shrugged it off), the owner was very rude, etc.

I am going back to chair rental. More flexible, the shop is super sweet, the girl I rent from is very kind, wear what you want.